William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564. He was the third child of John Shakespeare, a successful glovemaker and businessman, and Mary Arden, the daughter of a wealthy farmer. Little is known about Shakespeare's early life, but he likely attended the local grammar school, where he received a classical education in Latin and possibly Greek.

In 1582, at the age of 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years his senior and pregnant at the time of their marriage. The couple had three children, including a son who died at the age of 11. Shakespeare's career in the theater began in the late 1580s and early 1590s, when he became a member of a theater company in London. He quickly gained a reputation as a talented actor and writer, and his plays were performed at the Globe Theatre, one of the most famous theaters of the time.

Shakespeare's plays were immensely popular during his lifetime, and he enjoyed financial success as a result. He was also a shareholder in the Globe Theatre and other theatrical ventures. Despite his success, little is known about Shakespeare's personal life, and he left no diaries or personal letters.

William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely considered one of the greatest writers in the English language and one of the most influential figures in world literature. He wrote approximately 38 plays, including classics like Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and King Lear, as well as over 150 sonnets.

Shakespeare's works explore a wide range of themes, from love and romance to power and politics, and are known for their complex characters, intricate plots, and poetic language. His plays were performed during his lifetime at the Globe Theatre in London and continue to be performed and adapted for modern audiences today.

Despite the fact that little is known about his personal life, Shakespeare's impact on literature and culture is undeniable. His works have been translated into every major language and have influenced countless writers, artists, and thinkers over the centuries.

Shakespeare's career as a playwright lasted from approximately 1590 until 1613, when he retired to Stratford. He died there in 1616 at the age of 52, and was buried in the chancel of the Holy Trinity Church. Today, Shakespeare is widely considered one of the greatest writers in the English language, and his works continue to be performed and studied around the world.